Lightweight Robot Utility Library
▼Namino | Amino namespace |
CAxisAngle | An axis-angle object |
CDualQuat | A dual quaternion object |
CQuat | A quaternion object |
CQuatTran | A rotation quaternion and translation vector object |
▼CRegionAllocator | An STL allocator that allocates out of a memory region |
Crebind | |
CRegionList | Typedefs for STL lists using region allocator |
CRegionMap | Typedefs for STL map using region allocator |
CRegionVector | Typedefs for STL vector using region allocator |
CRotMat | A rotation matrix object |
CScopedMutex | Locks mutex on construction, unlocks on destruction |
CTfMat | A transformation matrix object |
CVec3 | A vector of length 3 |
CXAngle | A rotation about the X axis |
CYAngle | A rotation about the Y axis |
CZAngle | A rotation about the Z axis |
Caa_circbuf_t | Circular buffers use a fixed-size array that acts as if connected end-to end |
Caa_flexbuf_t | A buffer struct |
Caa_mem_cons | A "cons" cell |
Caa_mem_pool_t | Data Structure for Object pools |
Caa_mem_region | Data Structure for Region-Based memory allocation |
Caa_mem_region_node | A single block of memory to be parceled out by the region allocator |
Caa_mem_rlist | A linked list allocated out of a memory region |
Caa_ode_sol_opts | Options for the differential equation solver |
Caa_plot_opts | Options for a plot |
Caa_rx_geom | Container for scene geometry |
Caa_rx_sg | Opaque type for a scene_graph |
Caa_rx_shape_box | Shape for a box |
Caa_rx_shape_cone | Shape for a cone |
Caa_rx_shape_cylinder | Shape for a cylinder |
Caa_rx_shape_grid | Shape for a grid |
Caa_rx_shape_sphere | Shape for a sphere |
Caa_rx_win | Opaque type for a window |
Caa_sdl_display_params | Parameters for SDL display function |
Caa_sys_affine_t | Context-struct for function aa_sys_affine |
Caa_tf_axang | Axis-Angle rotation |
Caa_tf_duqu | Memory layout for a dual quaternion |
Caa_tf_dx | Memory layout for an SE(3) velocity |
Caa_tf_eulerzyx | Memory layout for an Euler Angle in ZYX (yaw-pitch-roll) format |
Caa_tf_quat | Memory layout for a quaternion, x,y,z,w order |
Caa_tf_qv | Memory layout for a Transformation as rotation quaternion and translation vector |
Caa_tf_qv_dx | Transform and spatial velocity |
Caa_tf_rotmat | Memory layout for a rotation matrix |
Caa_tf_tfmat | Memory layout for a transformation matrix |
Caa_tf_vec3 | Memory layout for a vector of length 3 |
CMat | |
CTf | |
CVec |