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Scene Files

Amino provides a convenient, human-readable syntax for specifying scene graphs. The scenefile syntax is curly-brace inspired and supports constant definitions, object classes, and include files. Amino's scenegraph compiler `aarxc` translates scenefiles to C code.



C-style block comments (/* COMMENT */), C++-style line comments (// COMMENT), and shell-style line comments (# COMMENT) are supported.

Comment Examples

/* This is a block comment.
 * It can continue over multiple
 * lines.

// This is a line comment.

# This is also a line comment.

Include Statement

The include statement inserts the contents of the named file into the current file. Include files may be useful to reuse a shared set of constants and class definitions over multiple scenes.

Include Statement Grammar

<INCLUDE_STMT> => "include" <STRING>

Include Statement Example

include "file1.robray"

Definition Statement

The definition statement creates a named, numeric constant. The value may be computed as an arithmetic expression.

Definition Statement Grammar

<DEF_STMT> => "def" <ID> <EXP> ";"
<EXP>      => <ID> | <FLOAT>
            | <EXP> <BINOP> <EXP>
            | "-" <EXP>
            | "(" <EXP> ")"

Definition Statement Examples

Named Constant Definition

The following defines a single constant value:

def my_length 0.1;

Expression Definition

The following defines constants for various length units:

def cm 1e-2;
def inch 2.54*cm;
def foot 12*inch;

Frame Statement

The frame statement defines a kinematic frame, i.e., a pose in SE(3).

Frame Statement Grammar

<FRAME_STMT>              => "frame" <ID> "{" <FRAME_ATTRIBUTE_LIST> "}"
                           | "geometry" "{" <GEOMETRY_ATTRIBUTE_LIST> "}"
                           | <FRAME_STMT>
<ATTRIBUTE_VALUE>         => <EXP> | <ARRAY>

Frame Statement Example

// Define some sizes for objects
def table_size 1e-2;  //  1 cm
def block_size .1;    // 10cm

// Define a stacking height
def table_stack (block_size + table_size)/2 + 1e-3;

/* A table at the world origin */
frame front_table {
    geometry {
        dimension [.75, .75, table_size];
        shape box;
        color [.6, .3, .6];

// This block is placed on the table
frame block_a {
    parent front_table;
    translation [.25, 0, table_stack];
    quaternion [0, 0, 1, 0]; // rotate pi about Z
    geometry {
        shape box;
        color [0, 1, 0];
        alpha 0.5;
        dimension [block_size, block_size, block_size];

// This block is placed on the table
frame block_b {
    parent front_table;
    translation [-.25, 0, table_stack];
    rpy [0, 0, pi];   /* also rotate pi about Z,
                       * pi is a float constant in the language */
    geometry {
        shape box;
        color [0, 1, 0];
        alpha 0.5;
        dimension [block_size, block_size, block_size];

Frame Attributes

Name Value Type Description
parent Identifier The parent of this frame in the scene graph
translation Array [3] Pose Translation
quaternion Array [4] Pose Rotation Quaternion
rpy Array [3] Pose Rotation Euler-Angle (Roll-Pitch-Yaw)
type Identifier Joint type (fixed, prismatic, or revolute
axis Array [3] Axis of rotation (revolute) or translation (prismatic)
offset Float Value added to configuration variable prismatic/revolute frames

Geometry Attributes

Name Value Type Description
isa Identifier Class for geometry (multiple isa attributes are allow)
shape Identifier Geometry's shape (box, grid, cylinder, mesh)
color Array[3] RGB color
alpha Float Alpha layer (transparency), 0: clear, 1: opaque
dimension Array Geometry dimensions (for box, grid)
height Float Geometry height (for cylinder, cone)
radius Float Geometry radius (for cylinder, sphere)

Class Statement

The class statement defines a set of attributes (shape, color, dimensions) which may be applied to multiple geometric objects.

Class Statement Grammar

<CLASS_STMT>              => "class" <ID> "{" <GEOMETRY_ATTRIBUTE_LIST> "}"
<ATTRIBUTE_VALUE>         => <EXP> | <ARRAY>

Class Statement Example

// Define some sizes for objects
def table_size 1e-2;  //  1 cm
def block_size .1;    // 10cm

// Define a stacking height
def table_stack (block_size + table_size)/2 + 1e-3;

class block {
    shape box;
    color [0, 1, 0];
    alpha 0.5;
    dimension [block_size, block_size, block_size];

/* A table at the world origin */
frame front_table {
    geometry {
        dimension [.75, .75, table_size];
        shape box;
        color [.6, .3, .6];

// This block is placed on the table
frame block_a {
    parent front_table;
    translation [.25, 0, table_stack];
    quaternion [0, 0, 1, 0]; // rotate pi about Z
    geometry {
        isa block;

// This block is placed on the table
frame block_b {
    parent front_table;
    translation [-.25, 0, table_stack];
    rpy [0, 0, pi];   /* also rotate pi about Z,
                       * pi is a float constant in the language */
    geometry {
        isa block;

Allowed Collision Statement

The allowed collision statement instructs the collision checker to ignore any potential collisions between two frames.

Allowed Collision Grammar

<ALLOWED_COLLISION_STMT>  => "allow_collision" <STRING> <STRING> ";"

Allowed Collision Example

The following statement will ignore any collisions between geometry attached to frames "right_arm_forearm" and "right_arm_wrist".

allow_collision "right_arm_forearm" "right_arm_wrist";

Scene File Syntax


<START>                   => <INCLUDE_STMT> | <DEF_STMT>
                           | <CLASS_STMT> | <FRAME_STMT>
                           | <ALLOWED_COLLISION_STMT>
                           | <COMMENT>

<COMMENT>                 => <LINE_COMMENT> | <BLOCK_COMMENT>

<INCLUDE_STMT>            => "include" <STRING>

<DEF_STMT>                => "def" <ID> <EXP> ";"
<EXP>                     => <ID> | <FLOAT>
                           | <EXP> <BINOP> <EXP>
                           | "-" <EXP>
                           | "(" <EXP> ")"

<CLASS_STMT>              => "class" <ID> "{" <GEOMETRY_ATTRIBUTE_LIST> "}"

<FRAME_STMT>              => "frame" <ID> "{" <FRAME_ATTRIBUTE_LIST> "}"
                           | "geometry" "{" <GEOMETRY_ATTRIBUTE_LIST> "}"
                           | <FRAME_STMT>
<ATTRIBUTE_VALUE>         => <EXP> | <ARRAY>

<ARRAY>                   => "[" <ARRAY_ELEMENTS> "]"

<ALLOWED_COLLISION_STMT>  => "allow_collision" <STRING> <STRING> ";"


Description Terminal Symbol Examples Regular Expression
Identifier <ID> foo, foo_bar, bif42 [a-zA-Z][a-zA-Z0-9_]
Integer <INT> 1, 42 -?[0-9]+
Floating Point Number <FLOAT> 3.14159, 1e-2 -?[0-9]+((\.[0-9]*)?([eds]-?[0-9]+)?
Binary Operator <BINOP> +, -, *, / [\+\-\*/]
String <STRING> "Hello World!" \"[^\"]*\"
Line Comment <LINE_COMMENT> // foo, # foo (#|//).*$
Block Comment <BLOCK_COMMENT> /* foo */ /\*.*\*/

Editor Support


Amino includes a simple emacs mode for editing scene files. To enable it, add the following to your .emacs file:

(require 'robray-mode)


Amino includes syntax highlighting for Vim. To enable it, run the following commands (assuming amino was installed under /usr/local):

mkdir -p ~/.vim/syntax
ln -s /usr/local/share/amino/vim/syntax/robray.vim ~/.vim/syntax/
mkdir -p ~/.vim/ftdetect
ln -s /usr/local/share/amino/vim/ftdetect/robray.vim ~/.vim/ftdetect/

Example Scene

File class.robray

// Define some sizes for objects
def table_size 1e-2;  //  1 cm
def block_size .1;    // 10cm

// Define a stacking height
def table_stack (block_size + table_size)/2 + 1e-3;

class block {
    shape box;
    color [0, 1, 0];
    alpha 0.5;
    dimension [block_size, block_size, block_size];

File table.robray

include "class.robray"

/* A table at the world origin */
frame front_table {
    geometry {
        dimension [.75, .75, table_size];
        shape box;
        color [.6, .3, .6];

// This block is placed on the table
frame block_a {
    parent front_table;
    translation [.25, 0, table_stack];
    quaternion [0, 0, 1, 0]; // rotate pi about Z
    geometry {
        isa block;

// This block is placed on the table
frame block_b {
    parent front_table;
    translation [-.25, 0, table_stack];
    rpy [0, 0, pi];   /* also rotate pi about Z,
                       * pi is a float constant in the language */
    geometry {
        isa block;

Other Formats

  • Scenegraphs can be defined procedurally via API calls to create frames and attach geometry.
  • The scenegraph compiler aarxc can load URDF files.